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  • 公司名称:Lionello Marchesi S.R.L 联系人:张小姐 所在地:意大利

    葡萄酒: 干红色-具有典型地理指示(IGT) 地理位: 托斯卡纳马利亚诺(格罗塞托)-意大利 品种: 45%桑娇维塞-白兰地20% -赤霞珠15%梅洛15% -阿利坎特5% “Insieme”是指联合。精选五种品种种植在马雷玛中心区域,并与现代、复杂而优雅的葡萄酒相结合。  每个品种都能和谐地提高葡萄酒的质量: Sangiovese di Maremma具有强劲的结构、单宁和带有野生浆果和李子的味道。 Shiraz酒体丰满,散发出焦糖、苦可可、烟草和香料的味道。 Merlot酒香圆润柔软,多汁清新,散发着浓郁的红浆果气息。 赤珠霞,浓郁持久,略带草本气息和浓郁的黑莓味。 Alicante具有异国情调的甜味和辛辣的色彩、芳香 它采用传统方法酿造,尊重葡萄的独特性。在上中等并长期烘烤的木桶中陈酿,具有中等和长时间烘焙。在瓶中陈酿以调和5种品种的葡萄混合。浓郁的红宝石色,带有蓝色和紫色。 它的香气有明显的黑浆果和成熟樱桃、香料、香草和苦巧克力、烟草、皮革、焦糖的芳香。 酒体醇厚,优雅,感官丰满,丝滑,酸度适中,单宁均衡。 它与托斯卡纳开胃菜和冷菜、烤意面、烤意粉、肉和蔬菜酱以及蘑菇、炖肉、鱼汤、羊奶干酪和成熟的奶酪非常搭配。 适合中度陈化。 Wine: Dry red - typical geographical indication (IGT) Geographical location: Magliano in Toscana (Grosseto) Tuscany - Italy Varieties: 45% Sangiovese -Shiraz 20% - Cabernet Sauvignon 15% Merlot 15% - Alicante 5% Method: “Insieme” means together. A selection of five varieties grown in the heart of Maremma, blended together into a modern, complex and elegant wine. Each variety contributes harmoniously to the quality of the wine: Sangiovese di Maremma with its powerful structure, tannins and overtones of wild berries and plum; Shiraz with its body and volume, and overtones of caramel, bitter cocoa, tobacco and spices; Merlot with its roundness and softness, sappiness and freshness and penetrating overtones of red berries. Cabernet Sauvignon, intense and lingering, with herbaceous hints and overtones of black berry; Alicante with its colour, sweet and spicy, with exotic aromas and overtones. It is produced using a traditional method, respecting the uniqueness of the grapes. Characteristic: Aged in top-quality medium and long toasted French oak barriques. Aged in the bottle to harmonise the blend of the five grapes. Aroma: Intense ruby red with bluish and purple highlights. Its aroma has a marked fragrance of dark berries and ripe cherries, spices, vanilla and bitter chocolate, tobacco, leather and caramel. Full-bodied and elegant, sensual and corpulent, velvet-smooth with good acidity and balanced tannins. Pairing: It goes well with Tuscan appetizers and cold cuts, au gratin pasta, carbonara, meat and vegetable sauces and mushrooms, meat stews, fish soups, pecorino and mature cheeses. To accompany meals and a meditative wine. Ageing: Suitable for moderate ageing.
  • 公司名称:Lionello Marchesi S.R.L 联系人:张小姐 所在地:意大利

    葡萄酒: 干红色-受原产地保护(D.O.C.) 地理位置: 蒙塔奇诺(锡耶纳)托斯卡纳-意大利 品种: 100%桑娇维塞(Brunello di Montalcino) 采用蒙塔奇诺葡萄酿制,具有更新鲜和更浓郁的果味特性。采用桑娇维塞葡萄以传统的红法酿造,以提高桑娇维塞葡萄结构的平衡性和新鲜度。 在橡木桶、木桶和瓶中短时间陈酿。 鲜艳浓郁的宝石红,富含浓郁的野生浆果、李子和樱桃果香果香味。 口感上活泼、结构化、柔和持久,丹宁和谐均衡。 适合与面包片、烤或烤面食、家禽、白肉、烤肉和烧肉、中等熟奶酪、馅饼和美味派搭配。 适合中度陈化。 Wine: Dry red - controlled designation of origin (D.O.C.) Geographical location: Montalcino (Siena) Tuscany - Italy Varieties: 100% Sangiovese Grosso (Brunello di Montalcino) Method: Made using Montalcino grapes, which have a fresher and more fruit-driven character. Produced only by Sangiovese grapes and exploiting the traditional red method to enhance the balance of the structure of the great Sangiovese and its freshness. The ageing is shorter in oak barrels and barriques and then in the bottle. Characteristic: Intense, bright ruby red, rich in aromas of wild berries, plum and cherry. Aroma: On the palate it is lively, structured, soft and lingering, with harmonious and balanced tannins. Pairing: It is ideal with croutons, baked or au gratin pasta dishes, poultry, white meats, grilled meats and roasts, medium-aged cheeses, tarts and savoury pies. To accompany meals. Ageing: Suitable for moderate ageing.
  • 公司名称:Lionello Marchesi S.R.L 联系人:张小姐 所在地:意大利

    葡萄酒: 干红色,受原产地标识保护( D.O.C.G. ) 地理位: 蒙塔奇诺(锡耶纳)托斯卡纳-意大利 品种: 100%桑娇维塞 Brunello di Montalcino Riserva是著名的意大利葡萄酒中的贵族红,专用桑娇维塞葡萄酿造。在冰日酒庄,最健康和最优质的葡萄是在最好的葡萄园精挑细选出来的。长时间停留在表皮以增强复杂的单宁酸和强烈的棕红色。在法国木桶中陈酿,品质最高。然后珍藏在瓶中,以增强其贵族和优雅的特性。 浓郁的红宝石色,呈典型的深色调,充满红色酒香和黑色浆果芳香。色彩的香草、巧克力和三色堇的味道。酒体丰满、丝滑、持久、丹宁柔和均衡。Brunello Riserva需要强烈而持久的调味,如松露菜肴、蘑菇或栗子,烤、炖或腌红肉和猪肉、带有美味填料的肉、烤肉、野味、香肠和猪油、陈年奶酪。 适合长时间陈化。餐饮和啜饮葡萄酒 Wine: Dry red - controlled and guaranteed designation of origin (D.O.C.G.) Geographical location: Montalcino (Siena) Tuscany - Italy Varieties: 100% Sangiovese Grosso Brunello di Montalcino Grapes: Brunello di Montalcino Riserva, a noble red and historic Italian wine, is produced exclusively using Sangiovese grapes. In Coldisole, the healthiest and finest grapes are carefully selected at the best vineyards. The long stay on the skin enhances the complex tannins and the intense red-brown colour. Ageing takes place in the highest quality French wood barriques. Characteristics: The Reserve then rests in the bottle to enhance its noble and elegant characteristics. Intense red with typical dark highlights and a full bouquet of red and black wild berries. Overtones of vanilla, chocolate and pansy. Pairing : Full-bodied, velvet-smooth, lingering, with soft and balanced tannins. Brunello di Montalcino Riserva demands intense and lingering flavours such as truffle dishes, mushrooms or chestnuts, grilled, braised or salted red and pork meats, meat with savoury stuffing, roasts, game, sausages and lard, mature cheeses. To accompany meals and a meditative wine. Ageing: Suitable for a very long ageing.
  • 公司名称:Lionello Marchesi S.R.L 联系人:张小姐 所在地:意大利

    葡萄酒: 干红色,-受原产地标识保护( D.O.C.G. ) 地理位置: 蒙塔奇诺(锡耶纳)托斯卡纳-意大利 品种: 100% 桑娇维塞。 Brunello di Montalcino是著名的意大利红酒的一部分,他的名声可以追溯到18世纪后期。托斯卡纳最伟大的红酒是由传统和产权独家采用桑娇维塞葡萄酿造。在冰日酒庄 ,葡萄在其营养周期时被精心照料。葡萄收获时经过精挑细选。然后被酿造出来,把必须的东西留在在皮上保留几天,以萃取其所有结构和香气。陈酿是在高品质的橡木桶中进行。Brunello在瓶中放置很长一段时间,以协调其复杂性。 浓郁的红宝石色,带有典型的深色调,并带有浓郁的野浆果香味,略带梅子、香草和巧克力的辛辣味。 酒体丰满,丝滑柔软,柔软,余味醇厚迷人。与松露或蘑菇菜肴、烤或炖红肉、大烤肉、野味、炖菜、香肠、陈年奶酪和干糕点非常搭配。 适合长时间陈化。 Wine: Dry red - controlled and guaranteed designation of origin (D.O.C.G.) Geographical location: Montalcino (Siena) Tuscany - Italy Varieties: 100% Sangiovese Grosso Method: His “majesty” Brunello di Montalcino is one of the most historic Italian red wines, dating back to the late 1800s. Tuscany’s greatest red wine is a genuine tradition, made exclusively with Sangiovese grapes. In Coldisole, the vines are carefully tended during their vegetative cycles. Characteristic: The grapes are harvested by carefully selecting the bunches. They are then vinified leaving the must on the skins for several days to extract all the structure and aromas. The ageing takes place in top quality wooden barrels and barriques. Brunello di Montalcino rests in the bottle for a long time to harmonise its complexity. Aroma: Intense ruby red in colour with typical dark brown highlights and a rich aroma of wild berries with slightly spicy notes of plum, vanilla and chocolate. Full-bodied, velvet-smooth, soft, with ripe tannins and a sapid and caressing finish. Pairing It goes well with truffle or mushroom dishes, grilled or braised red meats, roasts, game, stews, sausages, mature cheeses and dry pastries. To accompany meals and meditative wine Ageing: Suitable for very long ageing
  • 公司名称:Lionello Marchesi S.R.L 联系人:张小姐 所在地:意大利

    葡萄酒: 甜白色-受原产地标识保护( D.O.C. ) 地理位置: 基安蒂(锡耶纳)托斯卡纳拉达-意大利 品种: 80%马尔瓦西亚,20%特雷比亚诺 Vin Santo del Chianti是古老托斯卡纳传统的产物。我们遵循传统的规则和时间酿造,提高和老化过程。Lunanuova采用来自Castelnuovo Berardenga的精选葡萄酿造。10月初收货的葡萄,在通风良好的地方放在地面凸起的草席上风干。天然风干葡萄的酿造在12月份进行,必须在典型的50升橡木桶”托斯卡纳卡拉特利”中陈酿。此酒在瓶中进一步陈酿,使特雷比奥罗的结构与莫瓦西亚白的芳香融为一体。它有葡萄干和无花果干的刺鼻香气,口感上带有蜂蜜和烟草的芳香,使甜度与酸度完美平衡。它与羊乳奶酪、成熟奶酪和古冈左拉芝士、干果和糖果,浓郁的巧克力、干果糕点或杏仁糕点,如典型的”Cantucci Toscani”和甜点非常搭配。 适合长时间陈化。餐饮和啜饮葡萄酒 Wine: sweet white - controlled designation of origin (D.O.C.) Geographical location: Castelnuovo Berardenga (Siena) Tuscany - Italy Varieties: 80% Malvasia, 20% Trebbiano. Grapes: Vinsanto del Chianti is a product of ancient Tuscan tradition. We follow the traditional rules and timing in the winemaking, drying and ageing processes. Lunanuova is produced with selected grapes from Castelnuovo Berardenga. Characteristic: The wine is further aged in the bottle to harmonise the structure of Trebbiano with the sweetness and aromas of Malvasia. Aroma: It has a penetrating aroma of raisins and dried figs; on the palate it has overtones of aromatic honey and tobacco, with a good balance between sweetness and acidity. Pairing : It goes well with pecorino and mature cheeses and gorgonzola, dried and candied fruit, intense chocolate, dry or almond pastries, such as the typical “Cantucci Toscani”, and puddings. To accompany meals and a meditative wine. Ageing: Suitable for very long ageing. To accompany meals and a meditative wine.
  • 公司名称:Lionello Marchesi S.R.L 联系人:张小姐 所在地:意大利

    葡萄酒: 干红-带典型的产区标识(l.G.T.) 地理位置: 基安蒂(锡耶纳)托斯卡纳拉达-意大利 品种: 60%的桑娇维塞, 40%的赤霞珠。 “Infinito”这个名字反映了这款葡萄酒的复杂性和巨大冲击力和持久的结构。这是精心挑选来自Castelnuovo Berardenga庄园精心挑选的桑娇维塞和赤霞珠葡萄的结果。 这款葡萄酒在中等烘烤的上等木桶中陈酿。瓶内陈酿时间长,将桑娇维塞的浓郁香气与赤霞珠的强劲结构相协调。它的香气带有明显的黑浆果、甘草的香味以及成熟樱桃、香料和香草的味道。口感温暖、饱满、慷慨、质朴、天鹅绒的丝滑,回味悠长,带有高贵的烤杏仁味。Infinito是一款陈年的葡萄酒,非常适合与红肉和野味、炖肉、烤羊肉或炙烤羊肉、带松露和蘑菇的菜肴、非常老化的奶酪等美味菜肴搭配。 适合长时间陈化。餐饮和啜饮葡萄酒 Wine: Dry red - typical geographical indication (l.G.T.) Geographical location: Castelnuovo Berardenga (Siena) Tuscany - Italy Varieties: 60% Sangiovese, 40% Cabernet Sauvignon. Grapes: The name “Infinito” reflects the complexity and the big-hitting and lingering structure of this wine. It is the result of careful selection of Sangiovese and Cabernet Sauvignon grapes from the Castelnuovo Berardenga estate. Method: The wine is aged in medium toasted top-quality French oak barriques. Characteristics: Long ageing in the bottle harmonises the intense aromas of Sangiovese with the vigorous structure of Cabernet Sauvignon. Aroma: It has an aroma with a marked fragrance of dark berries, liquorice and overtones of ripe cherries, spices and vanilla. On the palate it is warm, full and generous, austere and velvet-smooth, with a lingering and noble toasted almond back palate. Pairing: Infinito is a long-aged wine and is ideal with savoury dishes such as red meats and game, braised meats, roasted or grilled lamb, dishes with truffles and mushrooms, very mature cheeses. To accompany meals and a meditative wine. Ageing: Suitable for very long ageing.
  • 公司名称:Lionello Marchesi S.R.L 联系人:张小姐 所在地:意大利

    葡萄酒: 干红色,受原产地标识保护( D.O.C.G.) 地理位置: 基安蒂(锡耶纳)托斯卡纳拉达-意大利 品种: 85%的桑娇维塞、15%的梅洛和赤霞珠。 用来自起伏的锡耶纳卡斯特罗庄园的葡萄酿制而成。卡斯特罗酒庄的特级基安蒂葡萄酒采用传统方法酿造,以提高生产在该温和气候区域的葡萄的新鲜度和芳香。法国木桶和木桶的短期陈酿增强了它的结构,赋予其优雅清新。它与美味的乳蛋饼、填馅面包和披萨、面包沙律和蔬菜汤、烤蔬菜、意大利面、沙拉、白肉和鱼、新鲜奶酪、冷菜、馅饼和可口的馅饼非常搭配。 适合中度陈化。 Wine: Dry red - controlled and guaranteed designation of origin (D.O.C.G.) Geographical location: Castelnuovo Berardenga (Siena) Tuscany - Italy Varieties: 85% Sangiovese, 15% Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon. Grapes: Produced with grapes from the rolling Sienese hills on the Castelnuovo Berardenga estate. Method: Chianti Superiore is vinified using the traditional method to enhance the freshness and aromas of the grapes that grow in the mild climate of this region. Characteristics: The short ageing in French wood barrels and barriques exalt its structure, giving it elegance and freshness. Pairings: It goes well with quiches, stuffed flat-breads and pizzas, panzanella and vegetable soups, grilled vegetables, pasta, salads, white meat and fish, young cheeses, cold cuts, pies and savoury pies. To accompany meals. Ageing: Suitable for moderate ageing.
  • 公司名称:Lionello Marchesi S.R.L 联系人:张小姐 所在地:意大利

    葡萄酒: 干红色,受原产地标识保护( D.O.C.G. ) 地理位置基安: 基安蒂(锡耶纳)托斯卡纳拉达-意大利 品种: 85%的桑娇维塞、15%的梅洛和赤霞珠 产自基安蒂拉达的波乔庄园精选葡萄酿造。Chianti Classico Riserva Castello di Monastero采用传统的红色酿造法酿造,在表皮上长时间停留,以更充分地提取芳香和香气,并在顶级的法国橡木桶和酒桶中陈酿,然后在瓶中放置,以调和其复杂性。精心挑选的葡萄赋予了它强健而精致的结构。此款酒有着浓郁而持久的香气,带有香料和香草的味道;口感优雅、层次分明且持久。它与意大利烩饭和意面配肉或调味酱、烤肉、烘肉和炖肉、陈年奶酪搭配十分美味。 适合长时间的陈化。餐饮和啜饮葡萄酒 Wine: Dry red - controlled and guaranteed designation of origin (D.O.C.G.) Geographical location: Radda in Chianti (Siena) Tuscany - Italy Varieties: 85% Sangiovese, 15% Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon Grapes: Produced from a selection of grapes from the Poggio Petroio estate at Radda in Chianti. Method: Chianti Classico Riserva is vinified using the traditional red method with a long stay on the skins for fuller extraction of aromas and perfumes, aged in top quality barrels and in French oak barriques, then rested in the bottle to harmonise its complexity. Characteristics: The careful selection of the grapes gives it a robust and refined structure. Aroma: This Reserve has a generous and lingering aroma with overtones of spice and vanilla; on the palate it is elegant, structured and lingering. Pairings: It goes well with risottos and pasta with meat or game sauces, grilled meats, roasts, braised meats and mature cheeses. To accompany meals and a meditative wine. Ageing: Suitable for very long ageing.
  • 公司名称:Lionello Marchesi S.R.L 联系人:张小姐 所在地:意大利

    CHIANTI CLASSICO D.O.C.G. Wine: Dry red - controlled and guaranteed designation of origin (D.O.C.G.) Geographical location: Radda in Chianti (Siena) Tuscany - Italy Varieties: 85% Sangiovese, 15% Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon. Grapes: Produced with grapes from the Poggio Petroio estate at Radda in Chianti. Method: Chianti Classico Castello di Monastero is vinified using the traditional red method, aged in French oak barrels and barriques and then bottled. Characteristics: The characteristics of the vineyards give the grapes a full structure and a profound elegance that the winemaking and ageing process enhances with great refinement. Aroma: This Chianti Classico has a deep, rich aroma with overtones of berries and cherries; on the palate it is dry, intense, complex, harmonious and balanced. Pairing: It goes well with Tuscan appetizers, risottos and pastas with vegetable sauces, grilled meats, roasts, mature cheeses and cold cuts. To accompany meals. Ageing: Suitable for long-term ageing. BRAND: CASTELLO DI MONASTERO 古典基安蒂 DOCG 葡萄酒: 干红色-受原产地标识保护(D.O.C.G.) 地理位置基安: 基安蒂拉达(锡耶纳)托斯卡纳拉达-意大利 品种: 85%的桑娇维塞、15%的梅洛和赤霞珠。 由基安蒂拉达的用基安蒂拉达的波乔庄园出产的葡萄制成。Chianti Classico Castello di Monastero采用传统的红色酿造方法,在法国的橡木桶和木桶中陈酿,然后装瓶。葡萄园的特点赋予葡萄完整的结构和深厚的优雅感,酿造和陈酿的技术过程大大的改善了这种优雅感。这款古典基安蒂葡萄酒有着浓郁的浆果和樱桃的香气,口感干燥、浓郁、复杂、和谐和平衡。与托斯卡纳开胃菜、烩饭及蔬菜酱、烤肉、奶酪和冷盘做成的意大利面搭配起来口感非常好。 适合长时间陈化。 品牌 CASTELLO DI MONASTERO
  • 公司名称:广东宏洋酒业有限公司 联系人:黄 所在地:广东

    产品名称:君·卡特 城堡干红葡萄酒 等    级:AOC 产    区:法国-波尔多 葡萄品种:50%梅洛、30% 赤霞珠、 20%品丽珠 规    格:750ml*6支/箱 年    份:2015、2016(橡木桶时间:10个月橡木桶) 酒 精 度:13.5%vol 适饮温度:15-18℃ 醒酒时间:30-60min 搭    配:红肉。 红酒品鉴:深红色的酒裙;有红色水果和如丝滑的巧克力味;口感圆润,与黑色水果(如黑樱桃)的香气均衡。余味持久优雅。 荣誉:荣获第十三届G100国际葡萄酒及烈酒评选赛银奖
  • 公司名称:北京睿雨佳酿酒业有限公司 联系人:王女士 所在地:中国

    北京睿雨佳酿酒业有限公司为香港独资企业,隶属于昊樽国际葡萄酒资产管理集团有限公司,总部位于北京,拥有专业的采购和完善的储运机制,为消费者提供更专业的葡萄酒文化支持。在酒品来源方面拥有得天独厚的优势,集团公司在德国、法国、澳洲拥有自己的酒庄,同时得到德国、智利等众多高端酒庄的独家代理权。我们拥有专业的选酒团队,并在法国拥有兄弟公司,长期致力于国外酒庄的考察及筛选,充分保证了酒的优良品质。睿雨将不断扩大产品结构,秉承对葡萄酒品质一贯坚持的原则,为消费者带来更有个性化的服务及更多物超所值的选择;世界许多葡萄酒产区的酒庄将通过睿雨公司向中国市场提供高品质,富有竞争力的中高档白葡萄酒,红葡萄酒,葡萄汽酒等葡萄酒产品,我们将带着感激和尊重的态度,把葡萄酒工程师们辛勤以及精心酿造出的美酒,认真地带给每一位品尝葡萄酒的人. 同时更致力于将中国消费者引入正统的葡萄酒文化领域。睿雨在葡萄酒领域具备很好的行业号召力和影响力,与上百家经销商保持着良好、稳定的合作关系。
  • 公司名称:苏州尼希米贸易有限公司 联系人:唐小姐 所在地:江苏

  • 公司名称:苏州尼希米贸易有限公司 联系人:唐小姐 所在地:江苏

  • 公司名称:苏州尼希米贸易有限公司 联系人:唐小姐 所在地:江苏

  • 公司名称:苏州尼希米贸易有限公司 联系人:唐小姐 所在地:江苏

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