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厦门甘帝酒业法国科乐葡萄酒1 安徽亿美法红公司
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  • 公司名称:深圳林尚沃商贸有限公司(澳洲GBS国际商务投资公司分部) 联系人:崔小姐 所在地:广东

    赛罗斯美乐红葡萄酒 品牌系列: Vinum Australis 货  号:  规  格: 12支/箱(橡木塞) 品  种: 葡萄酒 年    份:2007年 产    地:南澳米塔岗 度    数:13.5% 葡萄品种:Merlot 详细介绍   This Sirens Call  selection of wines are made in a new-world fruit-driven style. They are lifestyle wines designed for early drinking and are perfect at long luncheons, parties and as your daily tablewine. They appeal to a broad range of wine drinking clientele from young to old. The wines exhibit modest acidity, fine soft tannins and will benefit from several years of careful cellaring. Sirens Call 2007 Merlot Region: South Eastern Australia The wine has a bright purple colour with a plum and dark berry fruit nose. The palate is concentrated, with sweet berry fruit and ripe supple tannins. 酒评:酒液色泽靓丽而偏紫色,酒香如同其色泽般具有浓郁的梅子和黑莓的芬芳;酒液口感集中,甜莓味配合颇为成熟的单宁口感,给人卓越的享受。
  • 公司名称:深圳林尚沃商贸有限公司(澳洲GBS国际商务投资公司分部) 联系人:崔小姐 所在地:广东

    赛罗斯西拉子红葡萄酒 品牌系列: Vinum Australis 货  号:  规  格: 12支/箱 品  种: 葡萄酒 年    份:2007年 产    地:南澳米塔岗 度    数:14.5% 葡萄品种:Shiraz 详细介绍 This Sirens Call  selection of wines are made in a new-world fruit-driven style. They are lifestyle wines designed for early drinking and are perfect at long luncheons, parties and as your daily tablewine. They appeal to a broad range of wine drinking clientele from young to old. The wines exhibit modest acidity, fine soft tannins and will benefit from several years of careful cellaring. Sirens Call 2007 Shiraz Region: South Eastern Australia The nose exhibits spice and dark berry fruit aromas whilst the palate is concentrated with luscious mid palate, refined oak flavours and soft tannins.
  • 公司名称:深圳林尚沃商贸有限公司(澳洲GBS国际商务投资公司分部) 联系人:崔小姐 所在地:广东

    约瑟夫西拉子红葡萄酒 750ML 品牌系列: Vinum Australis 货  号:  规  格: 750ML 12支/箱(橡木塞) 品  种: 葡萄酒 年    份:2007年 产    地:南澳米塔岗 度    数:13.5% 葡萄品种:Shiraz 详细介绍 The Josef ’s Vineyard selection is made using grapes sourced from premium grape growing regions throughout Australia. The Josef ’s selection has been created by our winemakers to represent the individual terroir and characteristics of wines created from those regions. The wines have excellent palate balance and intensity. Although presenting well now, they can be aged for up to 10 years. Josef’s Vineyard 2007 Shiraz Region: Southern Highlands / Mudgee An intense deep purple/cherry red in colour. The nose has lovely dark cherry and spicy fruit notes. The palate is absolutely delicious with dark berry and ripe fruit, medium weight and lovely grainy tannins complimented with spicy oak characters. 酒评:酒液深紫而具有明显的樱桃特有暗红色,十分悦目。酒香十分丰富;同时包含了可人的黑莓、香料及水果的芬芳。酒体口感绝佳,除了黑莓口味,还有一种水果熟透自然发酵才会有的醉人清香,中度的单宁度配合香料和橡木组成了一种富有个性的成熟味道。
  • 公司名称:深圳林尚沃商贸有限公司(澳洲GBS国际商务投资公司分部) 联系人:崔小姐 所在地:广东

    品牌:WINDMILL 温米尔  产品类型:半干红葡萄酒 原料与辅料:≥99.99%葡萄汁 葡萄品种:西拉 年份:2011 产区:南澳大利亚 酒精度:13%Vol 原产国:澳大利亚 储藏方式:避光,20℃以下卧放 保质期:8年
  • 公司名称:深圳林尚沃商贸有限公司(澳洲GBS国际商务投资公司分部) 联系人:崔小姐 所在地:广东

    梦幻农庄赤霞珠葡萄酒 品牌系列: 梦幻农庄 货  号:  规  格: 750ml 12支/箱(橡木塞) 品  种: 葡萄酒 年    份:2007年 产    地:南澳米塔岗 度    数:14%(v/v) 葡萄品种:赤霞珠 详细介绍 梦幻农庄赤霞珠葡萄酒,2007年产于南澳大利亚米塔岗,采用南澳大利亚出产的精品葡萄酿制,酒体平衡度极佳,口感酸度纤细而美妙,红葡萄酒的丹宁度相当柔和,经过几年的细心储藏,回味悠长,令人惬意。
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