古佲酒庄始于1820年拓展以来一直酿制各种富有特色的葡萄酒,法蒂欧干红葡萄酒采用仅谢尔河河谷特产的CôT葡萄,并配以三种葡萄混合调配特酿而成。法定产区(AOC)酒体丰满、独特的香味浓郁、大方,其口感圆润独具特色。最适饮的温度为14-16度,最佳适于与辣味美食及酱汁食物完美搭配等。 Domaine des Souterrains is located on the slopes of the Cher valley. Since 1820, it proposes a whole range of wines including this blend of Côt, Cabernet and Gamay that is ideally served at 14-16 degrees. It perfectly goes along with spicy meals or dishes with sauce. This mellow taste wine has a soft and distinctive aroma that makes it very popular among young professionals. 等级:A.O.C 葡萄树年龄:30-40年 酒精度:12.1° 容量:750ml 葡萄品种:CCôT、Cabernet、Gamay 最佳饮用温度:14-16°C 最佳搭配食物:搭配红肉烧烤、牛羊肉、鸭鹅肉、野味、辛辣菜肴、香煎海鲜、烩或焖鱼类、意大利面和口味较重的奶酪) 酿造周期:12个月 瓶塞:软木塞 储存:阴凉避光处平放 存放建议:可久藏 ★2012年获得Gilbert et Gaillard金牌,并被“世界葡萄酒杂志入选于2012年精品特选之列”