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厦门甘帝酒业法国科乐葡萄酒1 安徽亿美法红公司
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  • 公司名称:众乐源糖酒有限公司 联系人:经理 所在地:福建

    【酒品名称】瑞瓦庄园普洛西可干起泡(Rivani Prosecco DOC) 【原 产 地】意大利 【单瓶容量】750ml 【酒 精 度】11% 【葡萄品种】普洛塞克(Prosecco) 【产品类型】汽泡 【相关介绍】酒精度: “普洛西可”是意大利知名的起泡酒。人们非常喜爱这款呈淡稻草黄色,升腾着明丽而细腻的小泡泡的白色起泡酒。这款酒是用普洛西可葡萄酿制的,有着典型的怡人果香和果味,是一款干型葡萄酒,细小的泡泡升腾聚集在一起形成诱人的泡沫。普洛西可得盛名享誉世界,是一款绝佳的开胃酒,各种喜庆的场合必不可少,也可以搭配一些清淡的菜肴。享用前一定要冰镇到8-10摄氏度才好。瓶形华丽。 Prosecco is the most famous sparkling wine from Italy. People love the light straw yellow color, brilliant tones and the small bubbles in the this white sparkling wine. The wine is made from prosecco grapes and have typical and fruity aromas which are very pleasant. The taste is dry, fruity and it has a nice foam from the bubbles. Getting popular all over the world, prosecco is ideal as an aperitif, with a celebrations or light dishes. Drink it cold at 8-10C. Bottled in the luxurious sparkling wine bottles with large corks and muslets. 【建议售价】222元/瓶
  • 公司名称:众乐源糖酒有限公司 联系人:经理 所在地:福建

    【酒品名称】芳地庄园莫斯卡甜白起泡(Fonte Moscato Spumante) 【原 产 地】意大利 【单瓶容量】750ml 【酒 精 度】7% 【葡萄品种】莫斯卡托(Moscato) 100% 【产品类型】汽泡 【相关介绍】莫斯卡甜白起泡酒散发着异常甜美的果香,桃子,杏儿, 以及麝香的味道从杯中弥漫开来。这是一款白起泡在口中形成迷人的泡沫。口感饱满圆润,香甜适口。酒精含量比较低,更容易饮用,使开胃酒的理想选择。配午餐或者甜点比如巧克力或面包也不错。9摄氏度为最佳侍饮温度。 Moscato Spumante has a very fruity and sweet aromas (peaches, apricots, muskiness) that explodes from the glass. It is a white sparkling wine with a nice small foam in the mouth. The taste is full, round, fragrant and sweet. Due to the low alcohol content it is easy to drink and ideal for drinking as an aperitif, at lunch or with some sweet deserts like chocolate or pastries. The Fonte Moscata Spumante is bottled in the typical sparkling wine bottle with the large cork and muselet. Drink at a temperature around 9C. 【建议售价】 123元/瓶
  • 公司名称:众乐源糖酒有限公司 联系人:经理 所在地:福建

    【酒品名称】芳地庄园莫斯卡甜红起泡(Fonte Rosso Spumante) 【原 产 地】意大利 【单瓶容量】750ml 【酒 精 度】9% 【葡萄品种】玛尔维萨Malvasia 100% 【产品类型】桃红汽泡 【相关介绍】这款红色的甜起泡酒是莫斯卡甜白演变而来的。淡淡的宝石红色的酒液中有细腻的气泡优雅地向上舞动。莫斯卡托葡萄酒的特有的麝香,杏儿和桃儿的香气扑鼻而来。口感均衡,回味圆润柔顺。酒精含量比较低,更容易饮用,使开胃酒的理想选择。配午餐或者甜点比如巧克力也不错。12摄氏度为最佳侍饮温度。 This is the red variant of the white Moscato Spumante. The light ruby red colored wine has a nice bubble in it. In the nose there is the typical aroma of the moscato grapes of musk, apricots and peach. The sweet wine is in balance and has a nice smooth after taste. Due to the low alcohol content it is easy to drink and ideal for drinking as an aperitif, at lunch or with some sweet deserts like chocolate. The Fonte Rosso Spumante is bottled in the typical sparkling wine bottle with the large cork and muselet. Drink at a temperature around 12C. 【建议售价】 123元/瓶
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