贝拉白苏维翁白葡萄酒 Bella Vigna Sauvignon Blanc 参数: 葡萄品种:白苏维翁/Sauvignon Blanc 产区:阿德雷德山/Adelaide Hills 年份:2009 类型:干白 酒精度:12.0% 色:色泽是明亮的带有活力青葱韵味的浅草色 。 香:闻起来呈现干净而新鲜,且有微妙复杂的果味:即西番莲果、绿草、酸橙汁、荔枝和桃子的香气。 味:首先感受到的是圆润的陈年佳酿味道,之后是专属于阿德雷德山坡特色的奇妙柑橘香气。 COLOUR: Brilliant light green straw with a vibrant green hue. AROMA: The nose displays clean, fresh and subtle aromas of passionfruit, green grass, lime juice, lychee and peach. PALATE: Ripe and rounded, the aromas characteristics follow onto the palate with citrus characters rather than tropical fruits, typical of the Adelaide Hills.