该酒具有丰富的红宝石色泽,成熟的樱桃味及森林水果和香料味,口感醇厚顺滑,并伴有持久强烈的香草余味。入鼻新鲜,果香盈漫,入口圆润。 This wine has intense ruby-red color, nice odor of ripe cherry, shade of forest fruits and spices. The taste is thick and smooth, with long piquant final of vanilla flavor. 产地:色雷斯山谷原产地保护区。 Place of Origin: Thracian Valley in Bulgaria 葡萄品种:赤霞珠 Grapes: Cabernet Sauvignon 配菜:红肉,烤肉以及酱汁烤肉和奶酪。 Food Match: meat, barbecue and cheese. 饮用温度:最佳饮用温度12-18度。 Best Temperature to Drink: 12-18 醒酒时间:瓶内醒酒40-50分钟后饮用更佳。 Best Time Takes to Sober Up: 40-50 minutes