五月Rioja产区之旅 (二)
时间:2015-01-26 00:00:00 阅读:780
Bodegas Fernandez de Pierola
这家酒庄很牛,因为他家的酒很贵,过百欧都不稀奇。30公顷地, 但分为60个地块,酒厂在中心葡萄园中心,所有园子离酒厂不超过5公里。80%的葡萄园离厂不到1公里。
大多数他的酒是为了上市即可饮用, 所以并不在意西班牙crianza, reserve, gran reserva这个陈年系统,装瓶后就卖。他家的酒很明显是非常新派的Rioja啦。不过还是有一款酒例外:carmin, 这是gran reserva, 会被运到对面有教堂的山里去陈年(山是空心的)
1、橡木、奶油,citric and smoky, 带有烤芝麻的幽香,酸度不错,酒体轻柔,回味有奶油质感及微妙的橡木香气。坚硬酒体,收尾长,有构架。(no MLF, 因为酸度有点涩,并且比较高的酸度给酒带来构架。)
2、more pronounced new oak, vanilla, citric, more structured and powerful, high acidity, M+ oaky finish, M+ body, a bit astringent, fatter, nutty citric, oaky finish.
3、a bit jammy, spice, medium, dried herb, dark fruit, peppery, tannin M+ but not drying, sandy texture, floral, M+ finish. 果味新鲜, 橡木不是很重,rich but restraint
80年前,rioja是像这样的(果味新鲜, 橡木不是很重),但70年代开始,亩产量上升,且用桶过多,酒撑不起这些橡木桶味。
4、peppery, dark fruit, more fruity on palate, with peppery herbal feeling, M++ tannin, M+酒精, vanilla, not as structured as No. 3, softer, fruitier, more modern, easy to understand but has complexity.
5、dark fruit, peppery, silky tannin, quite fruity, juicy, denser than No. 4 and the tannin balanced by fruit and fresh acidity, vanilla finish
6、quite international, dark fruit and vanilla oak, juicy and oaky, but not heavy, high but very ripe tannin, acidity M+ but integrated.
7、touch smoky, restrained, very soft, silky, spicy, vanilla, juicy, dark fruit, quite soft wine and M+ vanilla finish, with touch bitter coffee finish, lots of sweet spice, tannin is high but quite ripe, soft.