
时间:2012-12-24 11:57:24  阅读:493

2nd Grand Tasting of the Top Wines from Spain   年度最大葡萄酒盛会再次拉开序幕!   THE WINE EVENT OF THE YEAR IS BACK!   在2011年的巨大成功之后,2012年顶级西班牙葡萄酒盛大品鉴会将再次开幕!这次参加品鉴会的有西班牙最佳的67家酒庄!   After its huge success in 2011, the Grand Tasting of the Top Wines from Spain is back in 2012 with 67 of the best Spanish wineries!!   为什么说这是葡萄酒专业人士不容错过的盛会?   A quick reminder of the reasons that make this event a must for every wine professional:   总和超过10,000分的帕克评分!入选的都是顶级酒庄,而每家酒庄会呈现至少一款 获评90分以上的葡萄酒。   Over 10,000 Parker points! Only top level wineries have been selected, all of them bringing at least one wine over 90 points.   令人赞叹的多样性:只有在这个品鉴会才有机会再一天之内尝遍取材自25种葡萄并且经过各种级别陈化的各个品类的葡萄酒t,其中包括红葡萄酒,白葡萄酒,桃红葡萄酒,起泡酒,甜酒,雪莉酒等等。   Amazing variety: only here will you be able to try in one day wines made from 25 different grape varieties, all degrees of ageing, reds, whites, roses, sparklings, sweets, sherries...   专业的商业氛围:本次活动仅对受邀嘉宾开放。只有专业人士和尊贵嘉宾才会收到邀请。所以请记得访问www.spaintopwines.com网站进行注册申请。您将品尝到 西班牙最好的葡萄酒。正所谓美酒衬雅士!   Professional business environment: this is a by-invitation-only event. Only professional visitors and VIP guests will be invited so don’t forget to register through our website www.spaintopwines.com and enjoy the best wine that Spain has to offer. Top wines for top people!   不论是想为自己的餐厅或者酒吧引进已经进口或尚未进口到中国市场的葡萄酒,您都会在这次品鉴会上找到自己最为心仪的选择。参与盛会的酒庄中约有一半已经在国内拥有自己的经销商,而另一半将是中国市场上的新面孔。   You’ll find exactly what you are looking for: Whether you are looking for a new wine to import or you are looking for a new wine already imported for your restaurant or club… look no further! Aprox 50% of the wineries already have an importer in the market, and 50% are new and not yet represented here.   小贴士:您必然熟知的波尔多特级酒庄联合会品酒会同样是顶尖酒庄云集的盛会。而相比较而言,这里的葡萄品种是他们的10倍,价格却只有1/5!   QUICK TIP: imagine an event like the Bordeaux Grands Crus Salon, where all the wineries are top level, but multiply the variety by 10 and divide the wine prices by 5!!!   在这为期一天的盛会上,您将品尝到来自于不同葡萄品种和不同年份的各种令人赞叹的葡萄酒。您还将有机会拓展业务并且结交新朋友。当然,您还会深深爱上西班牙葡萄酒。请记得带上足够多的名片!   In one day, you’ll taste amazing vintages and varietals, make business, make friends… and fall in love with Spanish wines. Just remember: bring enough business cards!   联系方法   电话: (86 21) 62884788   spaintopwines@argoswine.net   INQUIRIES/CONTACT:   Tel: (86 21) 62884788   spaintopwines@argoswine.net