Winery Lackner-Tinnacher

时间:2012-12-26 11:00:59  阅读:684

  Lackner-Tinnacher’s family enterprise is metamorphosis: the vines grow up from the stony, mineral-laden earth; the grapes emerge and flourish; and then they are harvested and gently crafted into wine. Perched atop a steep and stony hill in the town of Gamlitz, the Tinnacher family has been creating wines here since 1770, 240 years of history. 已成为中坚力量的新生代酿酒师   Lackner-Tinnacher has always been a family business. They relish the freedom to create their wines in their style: pure, elegant, timeless — that corporate governance would not permit. The family can trace their roots back to 1629, and the first mention of their wines is in the Josephinist land registry from 1787. The modern era began in 1976, when Wilma Lackner inherited the winery from her uncle. In 1980 she married Fritz Tinnacher, and the his surname was added to the winery’s name.   Gamlitz is a tiny municipality in the South Styria region of Austria, located along its southeastern border with Slovenia, some 300 kilometers south of the more famous growing region of Kamptal. The Tinnachers have toiled in relative obscurity, as they are one of only a handful of producers whose wines make it to our shores.   The rolling hills of Gamlitz and the almost-Mediterranean gentleness of the climate combine to create picturesque scenery, and world-class wines. The soils here are complex and diverse, the geological evolution of faults and folds have formed layers of lime marl, gravel, sand, and shell limestone. Lackner-Tinnacher has 21 hectares of vineyards at altitudes of 360-500 meters above sea level, eight varietals planted on six challenging sites, with old and deeply-rooted vines. They pride themselves on knowing the intricacies of each site, and what they can demand of them.   The Tinnacher labels provide insight into the family’s winemaking philosophy. Designed in 2009 by an acclaimed graphic artist, they’re adorned with imagery of the metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly. The label’s image indicates their goal for that wine: wines to drink young show a caterpillar; wines to lay down show a cocoon; wines with the most aging potential show a butterfly.   Two generations of the Tinnacher family work at the winery now — Wilma and Fritz both come from a long lineage of winemakers. Their daughter Katharina joined the family business recently after graduating from Vienna University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences. The future is bright for Lackner-Tinnacher, as they are poised to emerge on the world’s stage with the flourish and beauty of their beloved butterfly.   Vinecraft distributes the Lackner-Tinnacher wines exclusively in Florida.   拉克-Tinnacher的家族企业是葡萄树,富含矿物质的葡萄的出现和蓬勃发展,以及他们的收获制作成酒。 栖息顶上陡峭而多石的山Gamlitz镇中,Tinnacher家庭已经在这里建立葡萄酒自1770年以来,240多年的历史。 细腻而芬芳的白葡萄酒,酒如其人   拉克-Tinnacher一直是一个家族企业。 他们津津乐道的自由,创造自己风格的葡萄酒,具有纯正,优雅,永恒的特征。 家庭历史可以追溯到1629,第一次提到他们的葡萄酒是从1787年在Josephinist土地注册处。 现代开始于1976年,从她的伯父,时威尔玛,拉克纳继承的酒厂。 在1980年,她与弗里茨Tinnacher结婚,酒厂的名字混合了和他的姓。   Gamlitz是一个很小的直辖市,在与斯洛文尼亚沿其东南边界以南约300公里的比较有名的种植区坎普谷,位于奥地利南部施蒂利亚州地区。Tinnachers已相对默默无闻,辛勤的,因为他们是一个只有极少数生产的葡萄酒让我们的海岸。   Gamlitz连绵起伏的丘陵,几乎地中海温和的气候相结合,创造如诗如画的风景,和世界一流的葡萄酒。这里的土壤是复杂而多样,地质演化的断裂和褶皱形成的石灰泥灰土,砾石,砂,贝壳石灰岩层。 拉克Tinnacher有21公顷的葡萄园在海拔360-500米以上的海平面,8个品种种植在6个具有挑战性的地区,老根深蒂固的藤蔓。 他们引以为豪的知道每个地区的复杂性,他们可以自我要求。   Tinnacher标志提供洞察家族的酿酒理念。 在2009年由著名的图形艺术家设计,他们是装饰用的毛毛虫蜕变成蝴蝶的意象。 标志的图像表示,他们的目标,葡萄酒:葡萄酒的年轻时代显示一条毛毛虫,熟成中的葡萄酒表现为茧,最陈年潜力的葡萄酒展现出蝴蝶。   两代人的Tinnacher为家庭工作,现在酒厂 - 威尔玛和弗里茨都来自长期沿袭的酿酒师。 维也纳的自然资源和生命科学大学毕业后,他们的女儿卡塔琳娜加入家族企业。 前途是光明的拉克纳 - Tinnacher的,因为它们将出现在世界舞台上的繁荣和自己心爱的蝴蝶之美。
frei brothers winery Louis M. Martini Winery