Spring Mountain Vineyard
时间:2012-12-26 11:00:56 阅读:4023
The new Spring Mountain Vineyard was once three separate properties each with its own vineyard and winery: Spring Mountain Vineyards (Miravalle) 257 acres, Chateau Chevalier (Chevalier) 120 acres, and Draper Vineyards (La Perla) 435 acres.
The upper most property on the estate, La Perla, was founded in 1873 by Charles Lemme and expanded by the Schilling Spice family. Originally 285 acres it had the first Cabernet Sauvignon planted on Spring Mountain. The old winery remains today along with much of its original equipment and horse drawn carriages and wagons. Immediately below La Perla, and eventually added to it was the first vineyard planted by Fredrick and Jacob Beringer in 1882. These terraced hillsides were planted in a wide assortment of grape varieties to support the Beringer brothers fledgling winery.
Adjoining to the north of the Beringer vineyard was a Frenchman, Fortune Chevalier, whose stone winery, Chateau Chevalier, was making wine in 1891. And finally, next door to Chevalier was Tiburcio Parrott who grew olives, citrus and grapes. Parrott built a grand home on the estate which he named Miravalle. 春山酒庄分为三个独立的部分,每部分都拥有自己的葡萄园和酿酒厂:春山葡萄园(米拉瓦耶)257亩,酒庄士(士)120亩,和德雷珀的葡萄园(拉珀拉)435英亩的。
La Perla的,始建于1873年,由查尔斯和扩大的林女士香料系列组成。春山是285英亩第一赤霞珠种植。老酒厂今天保持其原有的设备和马拉的马车。La Perla的正下方,并最终并入它的是在1882年弗雷德里克和雅各贝兰葡萄园种植的葡萄。这些梯田的山坡上种植了各式各样的支持贝兰兄弟初出茅庐的酿酒葡萄品种。
Concannon Winery