stags leap winery

时间:2012-12-26 11:00:57  阅读:4473

  How does the Cabernet Sauvignon vine find itself with such an appropriate home in the Stags Leap appellation? Volcanics, topography, a touch of marine influence. The wines that grow here are velvet intensities, a gift to the winemaker who understands restraint.   Care of the vines throughout the growing season is monitored by Elizabeth Foster, Vineyard Operations Manager, first and last on the scene. Estate fruit is complemented by longtime partnerships with some of the best growers in the Napa Valley and Carneros.   这是一个赤霞珠葡萄树的家,葡萄园受火山岩,淡淡的海水的影响。生长在这里的葡萄酿造的葡萄酒是天鹅绒般柔滑的单宁,这是酿酒师最好的礼物。   伊丽莎白·福斯特,葡萄园管理者之一,在现场护理,对第一个和最后的葡萄的整个生长季节进行监测。在纳帕谷和卡内罗斯与一些最好的种植者长期保持合作伙伴关系。