加拿大葡萄酒四大产区 Four major production sites of vine in Canada

作者:wine红酒网  时间:2013-11-01 16:50:28  阅读:1710

     一、 安大略产区 (Ontario)


    Niagara Peninsular of Ontario, Canada is one of the premium production sits for ice wine. The wine produced in the small town sitting on the side of Niagara Lake is even more succulent and mellow. Currently, there are more than 45 wineries producing ice wine in Ontario whose output in 1999 exceeded 300,000 litters. The output volume of vine from Ontario takes up 80% of whole Canada.  The highly-valued Ontario ice wine secures its high place from the numerous international acknowledgements. Ever since 1991 when Vidal ice wine produced by Inniskillin in 1989 won the highest prize in Bordeaux International Vine Expo, Ontario ice wine is accorded with the laureate of great wine and enjoys great popularity among collectors from different countries.

    二、 魁北克省产区 (Quebec,简称魁省)

    Quebec, covering 1/5 of Canada land area, remains to be subject to the rigid cold condition for a long duration in a year, making itself an ideal place for ice wine manufacturing. There is a special research institute for ice wine technologies in Quebec constantly bringing up new experimental proofs of and discussions on the production and drinking of ice wine.  Okanagan of Quebec is the main production area of ice wine in Quebec.            

     三、 新斯科细亚 (Nova Scotia)

    新斯科细亚是加拿大大西洋四省之一,是加拿大著名的苹果产区之一。沿海盛产大龙虾、鳕鱼和扇贝类海鲜,是加拿大最大的渔业基地之一。新斯科舍省内拜尔河边Bear River与比弗河边Beaver River以及温莎windsor是葡萄种植与生产的地点,Sissiboo河边也开始种植一些年幼的葡萄树。

    Nova Scotia is one of four Atlantic Provinces of Canada as well as one of the production sites of apples in Canada. With abundant output of lobsters, cod fishes, shell fishes and other sea foods, it is also the biggest fiery base in Canada. Along Bear River, Beaver River and Windsor are located the main vineyard sites in Nova Scotia. Some grape threes are planted by the riverside of Sissiboo too recently. 

    四、 不列颠哥伦比亚 (British Columbia ,简称BC省)

    该省位处加国西岸,是加拿大第三大省。卑诗省的奥肯那根(Okanagan Valley)是加拿大葡萄酒的主要产区之一。除了奥肯那根,还有森米卡明谷地,菲沙河谷和温哥华岛都是BC省的葡萄酒产区。这里干燥炎热的夏季和长时间的日晒造就了品质非凡,获誉甚多的优良红葡萄酒和白葡萄酒。

    Sitting on the west side of Canada, British Columbia is the third largest province in Canada. Okanagan Valley of British Columbia is one of the main vine production sites in Canada. Apart from Okanagan Valley, there are Similkameen Valley, Fraser Valley and Vancouver Valley among other vineyard sites. The dry and sultry summer and prolonged sunbath there have made for the well recognized quality red wines and white wines. 