Buena Vista Carneros Winery

时间:2012-12-26 11:00:59  阅读:2037

  Buena Vista Winery has a rich, delicious heritage as the first premium-and certainly the most colorful-of all of the wineries in California. And its founder, the self-proclaimed “Count of Buena Vista,” Agoston Haraszthy, was a vivacious and eccentric pioneer with a veritable love and unending commitment to California wine.   Surrounded by his own tales of intrigue and political exile, The Count immigrated from Europe in 1840 in pursuit of opportunity and freedom in the burgeoning American West. Following the forty-niners in search of gold in the hills of Northern California, Haraszthy sought “purple gold”-the perfect ‘terroir’ for exceptional wine. He ultimately settled in Sonoma, birthplace of California and capital of the short-lived California Republic, where he founded Buena Vista Winery in 1857.   Acommitted farmer, an experimental innovator and vintner, a respected author, a shrewd businessman-and a brilliant and incredibly zealous promoter, The Count is considered California’s most acclaimed and flamboyant vinicultural pioneer and evangelist.   Despite his abrupt death in 1869-in an alligator-infested river in the jungles of Nicaragua-and following the challenges of the depression, prohibition, and phylloxera-infestation-his beloved Buena Vista Winery has not only endured but also prospered. Boisset Family Estates-a family with a true love and respect for Buena Vista-is passionately committed to continue the imaginative vision and unrivaled legacy first created by The Count 150 years ago.   Buena Vista的酒庄是一个具有丰富,味道鲜美的葡萄酒的遗产保护酒庄,是最丰富多彩的加州酒庄。它的创始人,自称“布埃纳文图拉的计数,”Agoston Haraszthy,一个活泼,实在的信守承诺的人,加州葡萄酒的先驱。   他的故事源于一个阴谋家和政治流亡者,伯爵在1840年从欧洲移民到新兴的美国西部,实现了对机会和自由的追求。加利福尼亚州北部的山丘,Haraszthy寻求“紫色黄金”完美的“沃土”酿造卓越的葡萄酒。他最终定居在索诺玛加州共和国,在那里1857年他成立了布埃纳文图拉酒厂,加利福尼亚州资本的发源地。   诚实的农民,一个创新者和酒商,一位受人尊敬的作家,一个精明的商人,伯爵被认为是加州最负盛名和vinicultural的开拓者和传播者。   尽管他于1869年在鳄鱼出没的河流丛林中突然死亡,面临尼加拉瓜的挑战,根瘤蚜虫的灾害,他心爱的布埃纳文图拉酒庄承受住了考验,蓬勃发展起来。伯爵150年前第一次创建了一个真正的爱和尊重。
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