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厦门甘帝酒业法国科乐葡萄酒1 安徽亿美法红公司
    酒庄简介:奥珍-赛格拉酒庄位于波尔多加龙河左岸梅多克产区的玛歌村,坐拥52公顷约128英亩的葡萄园,种植54% 赤霞珠, 40% 梅乐, 5% 品丽珠, 1% 小维多。在1855年梅多克分级表上,奥珍-赛格拉酒庄被列为特二级酒庄的。葡萄树的平均树龄为30岁,土壤为细粒沙砾和粘土的混合物。Chateau Margaux was founded in the 1400's.  Once the residence of Edward III, King of England, it was one of the most stately fortified chateaux in Guyenne. Over the centuries, the property changed ownership several times. In 1804, the Marquis of La Colonilla acquired the property, razed the old Gothic manor-house and built in its place the chateau which still stands today. In 1977 the property was purchased by Laura and Andre Mentzelopoulos. Lavish amounts of money were immediately spent on the vineyards and the winemaking facilities. Unfortunately, Andre Mentzelopoulos died before he could see the fruits of his labor. His wife Laura and daughter Corinne run the show now with the expertise of the winemaking team of director Paul Pontallier, cellar master Jean Grangerou and consulting oenologist Emile Peynaud
卓龙酒庄 拉康斯雍酒庄



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