
时间:2014-08-11  阅读:828

  •     本公司為南非註香港領事館商業論壇會會員, 主要業務為引進南非盛產之高品質葡萄酒及其他產品, 以2002年產量為標準, 南非葡萄酒排名世界第九位。本公司成立於1999年, 為香港環球德美有限公司及上海外高橋保稅區沙士諾國際貿易有限公司全資附屬子公司﹐現為香港最大和種類最多最齊全之南非葡萄酒進口商。除專注南非酒外﹐本 公司亦進口法國﹐意大利﹐阿根廷﹐澳洲及智利等國家之優質葡萄酒。

        本公司為南非領事館屬下商務部會員,獲領事館全力支持和協助,是南非葡萄酒, 來寶保健茶和護膚品之最大進口零售批發商。

        Established in 1999 and a member of the South African Consulate Business Forum, we are exclusively here to market and promote South African wines by representing various wineries to offer you a vast selection of fine wines at special prices. South Africa's wine industry is over 350 years old and with a cooler climate of distinct maritime influence, South African wines are of exceptional quality with firm structures. Though we focus on South African wines we also import good value and quality wines from France, Italy, Argentina, Australia and Chile to expand our product portfolio.

        We are the major importer of South African Wines and also the very unique Rooibos Herbal Teas, and as we are a member of the South African Business Forum we are fully supported by the Consulate General in Hong Kong and China.

  • 地点:香港九龍尖沙咀東部麽地道63号 好時中心地庫B2層16号舗
  • 电话:(852) 2525-3898
  • 网址:http://capewine.com.hk
“富艇酒柜”东莞零售店 臻酒汇